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KAYAL participated in the SNEC, welcome everyone to come and guide!

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-06-01      Origin: Site

SNEC's 15th (2021) International Solar Photovoltaic and Smart Energy (Shanghai) Conference and Exhibition" (referred to as "SNEC Photovoltaic Conference and (Shanghai) Exhibition") will open in June. Welcome everyone to come and guide


The SNEC Photovoltaic Conference and Exhibition provides an excellent stage for the majority of enterprises at home and abroad, and provides a voice opportunity for cutting-edge ideas. Here, we can get a glimpse of the trend of the entire photovoltaic industry and get the pulse of the industry's development trend.

This SNEC conference will grandly launch the “Academicians Seeing the Future of Green Energy under the Dual-Carbon Goal” summit dialogue, inviting many well-known academicians who are committed to promoting the development of the green energy industry to discuss “photovoltaic + energy storage”, photovoltaic direct supply, photovoltaics The development of new industries and business forms such as hydrogen production, as well as the technical exchanges and cooperation in the comprehensive utilization of solar energy, hydrogen energy and energy storage, to achieve win-win development.


At this exhibition, Kayal will show everyone new electric vehicle charging stations, photovoltaics and energy storage.

The general manager of KAYAL sales took part in the exhibition with outstanding sales staff. You are welcome to come and guide!



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Tel: 86-13889667117
Add: No. 237, Weisan Road, Yueqing Economic Development Zone
Yueqing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China


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